Sunday, August 16, 2015


I didn't expect to be writing a post like this right now, but it turns out that God had other plans. Good, good plans! To sum up an amazing story He is writing in our lives, we are adopting again! Our 3rd daughter (who will be our middle child) is waiting for us in Ethiopia and we cannot wait to bring her home!

We fell in love with this little lady when we met her last year, and in God's perfect plan and timing, He has allowed us the chance to add her to our family. Our girls are so excited, they can't stop talking about what life will be like with another sister. (I try to add in some reality here and there (-:) Big Sister has already told me not to let her new sister have markers in bed because she might write on the walls. Good thinking. Little Sister has been praying for her by name on a daily basis for about a year now: "Dear Geesus, Gank you for ******, and our food. Amen." God was listening.
 We are excited, humbled and scared, knowing to an extent what is ahead, but yet being faced with so many unknowns. There will be storms ahead, we have no doubt. I can truly say that our trust in our great God allows us to step forward where He leads with confidence, knowing that He is with us every step. We pray that His greatness would be on display through weak, ordinary people such as us.
Sending our papers to make it official!
We would love your prayers as we face the hurdles of the adoption process and the financial barriers involved. We are planning a thrift sale fundraiser this week and t-shirt sale in the near future to help out with the costs. If you would like to support us in bringing our daughter home, you can also use the "Donate" button on the side of the blog to donate via Paypal. We would be so grateful! And most of all, please pray for our precious girl halfway across the world!
Our sweet family gave us an awesome "Congratulations" celebration