Tuesday, September 1, 2015

T-Shirt Fun!

First of all, thank you all for your kind words and encouragement in our next adoption journey! We are still deep in the paperwork phase right now, and hoping all goes quickly and smoothly (ha! not sure that is possible.)

With our referral coming as somewhat of a surprise, we have some big fees due sooner than expected. We've been saving our pennies, and raised almost $300 at our thrift sale last weekend. (Big thanks to our wonderful helpers!) But we've still got quite a ways to go financially. We emptied our savings account to pay $17,600 in fees so far (thank you Lord!), and will need another $14,000 to complete the process. Yikes. We have seen God provide for us before, and trust that He will do it again. We cannot do this alone!

That's where these t-shirts come in...we are partnering again with the lovely company Chrome Buffalo to raise money for adoption fees by selling t-shirts! We loved working with this company last time around and we're excited to do it again with a new t-shirt design.

Here is how it works. Chrome Buffalo designs and makes stylin' t-shirts that they sell for $22. For every t-shirt sold, we get $11 towards our adoption fund! They come in mens, womens and youth sizes. The shirts are printed on Next Level Apparel products, which is an awesome company that doesn't use sweatshops or child labor, is WRAP certified (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production), and is committed to ethical practice in their work.  The t-shirts are so soft and comfortable, I wear mine all the time! If you don't like the design we've chosen, you can choose from any of their other designs and the proceeds will still go to our fund. I personally love all of them. (-:

We have 10 days to sell as many shirts as possible. So check out our page HERE and consider buying a shirt to help us get one step closer to bringing our daughter into our family! Thanks guys!