Friday, January 8, 2016


We are so grateful to say that our $2500 matching grant goal has been met! And not just met, but exceeded! With the grant and the generosity of so many of you, we raised a total of $6681.70 so far! Amazing! THANK YOU! We are just humbled and amazed at the kindness and generosity we've seen poured out.

Our faith and trust in the Lord has grown so much as a result of being dependent on Him. I must say I went through a few days of freaking out about the finances after we accepted our daughter's referral. We had wanted to save up and be able to completely finance our next adoption ourselves, but God had different plans. The referral didn't really fall into our little timeline, so we were left being obedient and dependent on Him to provide. After a few days of pointless worrying, I decided just to trust God with all of it. And look what He has done! He has provided $28,000 over the last 4 months for our adoption (through our savings, fundraisers, generous donations, matching grant, Dean's overtime, etc.)! Why did I ever doubt Him? While we aren't big fans of fundraising or asking for money, it has been an encouragement and blessing to see God at work, and to see the beauty of His kindness through His people.

We look forward to seeing what He will continue to do in our story, and thank YOU for being a part of it!

They were so excited about meeting our goal! (or the snow was really cold)