So let's sum it up. We had a few final decisions and tasks to finish up for our homestudy this month. God has been so faithful in clearly leading and guiding our every step up to this point in the adoption that I haven't looked back. And then suddenly I doubted. Reality hit. Fear crept in. I wanted to run. I was confused. Peace was no where to be found. Prayers and Scripture searching were priority. The phrase that kept echoing in my head was "in my heart I want to do this, but in my head I can't". Translation: I think I hear God's voice calling us to step out in faith, but the very real circumstances of life seem insurmountable. I've been struggling with worldly wisdom vs. God's wisdom and questioning my motivations. This is starting to sound like crazy rambling (which I did a lot of this month...a big shout out to all who so patiently listened to my rants and thought I may be bipolar).
I started to feel like Peter, when Jesus called him to walk on water. Peter started off great, jumping out of the boat, but then began looking around at the storm and the waves, lost faith and started to sink. That was me, sinking (which looked more like freaking out and flailing around). And just as Jesus "stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'" (Matthew 14:31), He caught me.
When I thought I couldn't handle any more and had analyzed the situation to death, all of a sudden there was peace. The peace that really does "surpass all understanding" (Philippians 4:7), that is only from God. The storm was stilled. The funny thing is that not a single thing about our situation or circumstances had changed, just my heart had changed. Now I know that whatever happens, it is all God's power and not my own, because there is NO WAY I can do this on my own.
The song "Ocean" by Hillsong United has been on repeat this week in my casa. Listen and soak it in. If none of this blabbering made any sense, just know one thing: God is so good and He can be trusted. And that's a wrap.